How Many Hashtags on TikTok

How Many Hashtags on TikTok to Use

So, you want to know how many hashtags on TikTok can get you views? 

You’re not alone! 

Hashtags are a great way to get more eyes on your content and be seen on TikTok. 

By using the right hashtags, your content will appear in searches, on the For You Page (FYP), and even in challenges.

But it’s not just about slapping on a bunch of hashtags. Knowing the right amount and choosing the right ones is key to getting more reach and engagement.

What Are TikTok Hashtags?

TikTok hashtags are words or phrases preceded by a “#” sign, like #fyp or #TikTokDance. 

They help categorize content, making it easier for TikTok users to find videos related to specific topics. 

TikTok Hashtags are like signposts that guide users to content they might enjoy.

When you add TikTok hashtags in your captions, you signal to TikTok’s algorithm what your video is about. 

This helps it reach the right audience by showing up in relevant feeds, helping boost your content’s visibility.

So, knowing how to use popular TikTok hashtags effectively is key to growing on TikTok.

How Many Hashtags Should You Use on TikTok?

Using TikTok Hashtags

You might wonder, “How many TikTok hashtags should I use?” The ideal number of hashtags per video is 3 to 5

Why? Using too many hashtags on TikTok can confuse the algorithm, making it harder for your video to be categorized correctly.

On the other hand, using too few hashtags can limit your reach. 

Like SEO for websites, you want to use the most appropriate and targeted hashtags to connect with your audience.

Start with a mix of buzzing hashtags, niche hashtags, and a marketing hashtag if applicable. 

This TikTok strategy will help your content reach different audiences, from those browsing general topics to those looking for specific content.

Pro Tip: Avoid using the maximum number of hashtags allowed on TikTok. Too many TikTok hashtags can look spammy and turn off viewers. Instead, focus on the quality and relevance of each hashtag.

Benefits of Using the Right Amount of Hashtags

Here are some benefits of using the right amount of hashtags on TikTok.

  • More Views: When you use the right amount of TikTok hashtags, your TikTok account video will be seen by people who are actually interested in that content. Instead of getting lost in a sea of irrelevant posts, your video will be shown to the right audience and will have more views.
  • More Engagement: By using TikTok hashtags that match your content, you’re attracting people who will engage with your video. These viewers will watch, leave TikTok Comments, like, and share because your content is relevant to them and will push your video even further across the social media platforms.
  • More Visible: Using hashtags will get your content in the search results and recommended feeds. That will get you on the For You Page (FYP), TikTok’s most viral real estate. The top TikTok hashtags will get your video in front of people who are actively searching for that content.

Common Hashtag Mistakes

  • Overusing Hashtags: It can dilute your content’s focus.
  • Using Irrelevant Hashtags: This can confuse the algorithm and result in lower engagement.
  • Ignoring Trending Hashtags: Missing out on trends can reduce your visibility.

To maximize your growth on TikTok, focus to find trending TikTok hashtags and using them strategically. This will help you attract the right audience and grow your TikTok presence faster!

Why Quality Matters More Than Quantity in Hashtag Strategy

Using fewer, more targeted hashtags on TikTok can significantly impact your engagement rates. 

When you select the right hashtags, your content is more likely to appear in front of the right audience; those who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. 

This increases the likelihood of meaningful engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares, rather than just random views.

Better Content Categorization by the Algorithm

Moreover, using well-chosen hashtags helps TikTok’s algorithm better categorize and understand your content. 

When the algorithm knows exactly what your content is about, it is more likely to promote it to users who are looking for similar topics, thereby increasing the chances of it being seen and appreciated by the right audience.

Avoiding a Spammy Appearance

On the other hand, overloading your TikTok post with too many hashtags can have the opposite effect. 

A cluttered and spammy-looking caption filled with irrelevant or excessive hashtags can turn viewers away. 

It not only distracts from the main content but can also give an impression that you are trying too hard to gain attention.

To truly boost your views on TikTok, it’s crucial to focus on using relevant hashtags that align closely with your content’s theme. 

A good strategy is to combine trending or “buzzing” hashtags with more niche, specific ones. 

This allows you to tap into a broader audience while still reaching specific groups that are more likely to engage with your content. 

In doing so, you get the best of both worlds: broad visibility and targeted engagement.

To make the most out of TikTok hashtags, it’s important to use trending and relevant hashtags

But how do you find them? Here are some effective ways to discover the best hashtags for your content:

1. Use TikTok’s Discover Page

The Discover page on TikTok is a goldmine for buzzing hashtags. You can see what’s popular and which hashtags are gaining traction. 

Look for TikTok hashtags that are relevant to your content.

2. Check Out Competitors and Influencers

See what are the top TikTok hashtags being used by influencers or your competitors in your niche. 

If certain hashtags are driving a lot of engagement for them, they might work well for you too.

3. Leverage Hashtag Generator Tools

There are various hashtag generator tools available that can help you find trending hashtags tailored to your content. 

Tools like Hashtag Expert and TikTok Hashtag Generator can suggest hashtags based on your topic or niche.

4. Participate in Hashtag Challenges

Hashtag challenges are a great way to engage with a trending topic. Keep an eye on challenges that are aligned with your content and join them to gain visibility.

For instance, a dance challenge might go well if you are a dancer or a fitness influencer.

TikTok trends change quickly, so it’s important to research popular TikTok hashtags regularly. By keeping up with the latest trends, you can make sure your content stays applicable and visible.

Pro Tip: Don’t just blindly copy trending hashtags. Make sure they align with your content and audience. The right combination of trending, niche, and custom hashtags can make all the difference in how well your TikTok performs.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with TikTok Hashtags

Hashtags on TikTok

While using TikTok hashtags can help boost your content’s visibility, there are several common mistakes that can limit your success. 

Avoid these pitfalls to ensure your content gets the attention it deserves:

1. Using Too Мuch Hashtags

It’s tempting to use as many hashtags on TikTok as possible, thinking it will increase your reach. 

However, using too many TikTok hashtags can clutter your caption and confuse TikTok’s algorithm.

This may lead to your content being shown to the wrong audience, resulting in lower engagement.

Trending TikTok hashtags are important for increasing visibility. If you ignore them, you could miss out on a significant opportunity to reach a broader audience.

Make sure to keep an eye on the daily trending hashtags and use those that are relevant to your content.

3. Choosing Irrelevant Hashtags

Always ensure that the TikTok hashtags you use are relevant to your video content. Using irrelevant hashtags can mislead viewers and hurt your credibility. 

It also reduces the chance of your content appearing in the right searches.

4. Not Testing Different Hashtag Combinations

Don’t stick to the same set of hashtags for every video. Instead, test different combinations of popular TikTok hashtags, niche hashtags, and custom TikTok hashtags to see what works best for your content.

This will help you understand what drives the most engagement and adjust your strategy accordingly.

5. Overlooking Hashtag Challenges

Hashtag challenges are a fantastic way to gain more visibility and engage with TikTok’s community. 

If you’re not participating in relevant hashtag challenges, you could be missing out on a big growth opportunity.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can improve your hashtag strategy and enhance your TikTok growth.

How to Create a TikTok Hashtag Strategy

Creating a strong strategy for TikTok hashtag is key to maximizing your content’s reach and engagement. Here are the steps to build an effective strategy:

1. Know Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is important for selecting the right hashtags. Think about who you want to reach and what they are interested in.

Research which hashtags your target audience is following or engaging with, and incorporate them into your content.

2. Mix Up Hashtags Types

To create a balanced strategy, use a mix of hashtag types. 

This includes trending hashtags for broad visibility, targeted hashtags for targeted reach, and custom TikTok hashtags to build a community around your brand.

3. Research Competitors and Influencers

Analyze the hashtag strategies of your competitors and top influencers in your niche. Look for patterns in their hashtag usage and engagement rates. 

This can provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t.

4. Create Custom Hashtags

Developing a custom hashtags helps differentiate your content and makes it easy for your audience to find all your videos in one place. 

Encourage your followers to use your custom hashtag when they post related content, which can help increase brand awareness.

5. Monitor and Adjust Your Strategy

Hashtag strategies are not set in stone. You need to regularly monitor your hashtag performance using TikTok analytics or other social media tools.

This will help you understand which hashtags are driving engagement and which ones need to be replaced.

6. Leverage Hashtag Generators

Using a hashtag generator tool can help you discover new and relevant hashtags. 

These tools provide great TikTok content ideas, helping you find the best hashtags to use for maximum engagement.

By following these steps, you can create a strategy for the TikTok hashtag that aligns with your goals and reaches your desired audience.

Using Custom Hashtags and Challenges

Custom hashtags are an excellent way to build community and increase engagement on TikTok. 

A Custom hashtag is unique to your brand and can be used to promote your content and campaigns.

1. What Are Custom Hashtags?

Custom hashtags are created specifically for your brand. It could be the name of your business, a slogan, or a specific campaign you’re running. 

For example, a fitness influencer might use #GetFitWithJane as their Custom hashtag.

2. How to Create an Effective Custom Hashtag

  • Keep It Simple and Memorable: Choose a short and catchy hashtag that’s easy to remember.
  • Make It Unique: Avoid using generic terms; ensure your hashtag is distinct to your brand.
  • Encourage User Participation: Ask your followers to use the hashtag when sharing content related to your brand or campaign.

3. Leveraging Hashtag Challenges

Hashtag challenges are hugely popular on TikTok and can help your content go viral. 

A hashtag challenge encourages TikTok users to create content around a specific theme or activity and share it using your branded hashtag.

  • Create a Fun and Engaging Challenge: The challenge should be easy to participate in and fun to do.
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partnering with influencers can help amplify your hashtag challenge and attract more participants.
  • Offer Incentives: Offering rewards or featuring the best entries can motivate users to join your challenge.

Benefits of Custom Hashtags and Challenges

  • Increases Brand Awareness: Helps more people learn about your brand and what you offer.
  • Encourages User-Generated Content: Gets your audience involved in creating TikTok content, which can boost engagement.
  • Builds Community: A unique branded hashtag creates a sense of belonging among your followers.

Using custom hashtags and hashtag challenges effectively can set you apart from the competition and help you grow your TikTok presence quickly.


Using the right number and type of hashtags on TikTok can significantly impact your content’s reach and engagement. 

While it might be tempting to use as many hashtags as possible, focusing on quality over quantity is key.

A mix of trending, niche, and branded hashtags can help you reach a broader yet more targeted audience. 

Remember, it’s not just about getting more views; it’s about attracting the right viewers who will engage with your content and become loyal followers.

Implement these hashtag strategies, and don’t forget to buy our TikTok services to help you grow even faster!

Frequently Asked Questions

Hashtags on a TikTok Video

How many hashtags should I use on TikTok in 2024?

The ideal number of hashtags to use on TikTok is 3 to 5. This range helps keep your content focused and ensures it reaches the right audience without overwhelming the algorithm.

Does more hashtags mean more views on TikTok?

Not necessarily. While more hashtags can increase visibility, using too many can confuse the algorithm and reduce engagement. 

Stick to relevant and trending hashtags to maximize your reach.

How many hashtags should I put on a TikTok?

You should use between 3 to 5 hashtags per TikTok video. A mix of trending, niche, and branded TikTok hashtags work the best for targeting the right audience.

What is the 3×3 hashtag strategy?

The 3×3 Hashtag Strategy involves using three types of hashtags: 3 niche hashtags for specific targeting, 3 trending hashtags for broader reach, and 3 custom hashtags to build community and brand recognition.

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