how to promote a product on tiktok

How to Promote a Product on TikTok Shop

TikTok is the biggest product promotion platform out there. With millions of users active daily, you can reach your target audience in so many ways. Whether you’re a small business or a big brand, knowing how to promote a product on TikTok will help you tap into that.

From creating content and collaborating with influencers to running TikTok ads and setting up a TikTok Shop, the platform has everything you need to grow your customer base. In this post, we’ll show you how to get your product seen and sold on TikTok.

How to promote a product on TikTok Guide

Setting up Your TikTok Business Account

To start promoting products on TikTok you’ll need a Business Account. This account type gives you access to advanced analytics, promotional tools, and ad features that are necessary for marketing on TikTok.

How to Switch to a Business Account

  1. Open the TikTok App and go to your profile.
  2. Tap the three lines at the top right corner and select “Manage Account.”
  3. Choose “Switch to Business Account.”
  4. Select a category that best describes your business (e.g. fashion, beauty, tech).
  5. You’re done! Start exploring the new features available to TikTok business accounts.

Key Benefits of a TikTok Business Account

  • TikTok Ads Manager: Create and manage ad campaigns with tools to define your audience, set a budget, and track performance.
  • Detailed Analytics: See how your content is performing, who your audience is, and when they are most active.
  • Advanced Features: Use TikTok Pixel to track conversions from your TikTok ads to your website.

Understand your Target Audience on TikTok

Knowing your audience is the key to creating content that works. TikTok has a wide range of users from teenagers to adults. Knowing who your TikTok users are will help you tailor your content and ads.

How to Analyze Your TikTok Audience

  1. Use TikTok Analytics: Once you switch to a business account you’ll have access to in-depth analytics to understand your audience better.
  2. Check Age and Location Data: See where most of your followers are from and what age groups they are. This will help you create content that’s more relevant and engaging.
  3. Monitor Engagement Metrics: Look at likes, comments, shares, and followers to see what type of content your audience likes.

Fun Fact: Over 60% of TikTok users are under 30, making it a great platform for brands targeting younger demographics!

How to Create Good Content on TikTok for Marketing

Product marketing on TikTok

Content is everything on TikTok! Creating good content is key to getting your audience’s attention. Unlike other social media platforms, TikTok’s audience prefers authenticity over corporate-looking content.

Types of Content That Work

  1. Challenges and Trends: Join a popular TikTok challenge or create your own branded challenge to get engagement.
  2. Tutorials and How-Tos: Showcasing your product in action can be super effective. For example, a beauty brand can do quick makeup tutorials using their products.
  3. Behind-the-Scenes: Give your audience a sneak peek into how your products are made or what your company culture is like.
  4. User-Generated Content (UGC): Get your customers to share videos using your product. This not only promotes your product but also builds trust and authenticity.

Branded Effects and Hashtags for TikTok Users

  • Branded Effects: Custom effects that TikTok users can apply to their videos, making your brand more visible.
  • Relevant Hashtags: Use trending hashtags to get more eyes on your content. For example, if you’re selling eco-friendly products use #EcoFriendly or #SustainableLiving.

Pro Tip: Use call-to-action phrases in your videos to get your viewers to create their own content or participate in your challenges!

Use TikTok Ads for Product Promotion

TikTok ads are a great way to promote products and reach a bigger audience. They have different types of ads that cater to different marketing goals, from driving traffic to your website to increasing brand awareness.

Types of Ads

  1. In-Feed Ads: These are the ads that show up in users’ feeds as they browse through TikTok. They are similar to ads on other social media platforms, users can like, comment, and share them. These ads are great for driving traffic to your website or app.
  2. Branded Hashtags: This is a unique ad format where brands create a custom hashtag challenge to engage users. When users click on the hashtag, they are directed to a landing page that shows all the videos created using that hashtag along with a link to your website or product page.
  3. TopView Ads: These are full-screen video ads that appear when users first open the TikTok application. They are perfect for grabbing attention with high-impact visuals and can link directly to a landing page.
  4. Brand Takeovers: These are similar to TopView Ads but appear as static or dynamic ads for three to five seconds. They also offer a clickable link that drives users to an internal or external landing page.
  5. Branded Effects: TikTok approves brands to create custom stickers, filters, and effects that TikTok users can apply to their videos.

How to Create Ads with TikTok Ads Manager

To make TikTok ads you’ll need to use TikTok Ads Manager. Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Log in to TikTok Ads Manager with your Business Account.
  2. Create a new campaign and select your objective (traffic, conversions, app installs).
  3. Set your budget and choose your targeting (location, gender, age, interests, behavior).
  4. Choose your ad format (In-Feed Ads, Brand Takeovers, etc.) and upload your video or image creatives.
  5. Launch and monitor your campaign with TikTok’s analytics and other ad features.

Video Ads Tips

  • Keep it short (15-30 seconds) to keep the user’s attention.
  • Use captions and on-screen text to get your message across.
  • Include a CTA (e.g. “Shop Now”, “Learn More”).
  • Try different ad formats to see what works for your audience.

Work with TikTok Influencers

Promote your brand on TikTok

Influencer marketing is a force to be reckoned with on TikTok. TikTok influencers have a loyal following and can promote your products more authentically.

Working with the right influencers will increase your own brand visibility and credibility.

Choosing the Right Influencers

When choosing influencers consider:

  • Relevance: The influencer’s content should align with your brand values and audience. For example, if you’re a fitness brand look for influencers who post about health and wellness.
  • Engagement Rates: Instead of just looking at the number of followers, check how actively their followers engage with their content (likes, comments, shares).
  • Authenticity: Choose influencers who are genuinely passionate about your product or niche. Their authenticity will shine through in their content and resonate with their followers.

How to Negotiate with Influencers

  1. Send a personalized pitch explaining why you want to work with them and how they fit with your brand.
  2. Discuss deliverables (e.g. number of posts, video content, challenges) and compensation (e.g. flat fee, commission, free products).
  3. Set clear expectations around content guidelines, timelines, and key messages so everything is consistent with your brand voice.

Measuring Influencer Marketing Success

  • Track engagement metrics (likes, comments, shares) on the influencer’s posts featuring your product.
  • Monitor referral traffic and conversions on your website using unique promo codes or links given to the influencer.
  • Use TikTok’s analytics to measure the overall performance of the influencer campaign.

Using TikTok Challenges to Promote Your Products

TikTok challenges are a fun and interactive way to engage with users and promote your product. These challenges encourage TikTok users to participate and create content around a specific theme or action, often resulting in viral content and increased brand visibility.

How to Create a Branded TikTok Challenge

  1. Define the Challenge Concept: Choose a challenge that fits your brand and is simple enough for users to participate in. For example, if you’re a fitness brand you could create a challenge like #30DayFitnessChallenge.
  2. Create a Hashtag: Use a catchy and unique hashtag that’s easy to remember and encourages participation. This hashtag will be the hub for all user-generated content related to your challenge.
  3. Launch the Challenge with a Video: Post a video from your business TikTok account explaining the challenge. Make sure to explain how to participate and any rules or guidelines.
  4. Promote the Challenge: Consider using TikTok ads or collaborating with influencers to increase the reach of your challenge.

Past TikTok Challenges

  • Chipotle’s #GuacDance Challenge: Users danced for National Avocado Day and submitted over 250,000 videos and 430 million video views.
  • Guess’s #InMyDenim Challenge: Users posted millions of views and thousands of user-generated videos.

TikTok Shop for Seamless Sales

Promote business on TikTok

TikTok has launched TikTok Shop, a feature that lets businesses sell products directly on the app. This integration turns viewers into buyers without them having to leave the TikTok app.

With TikTok Shop, users can discover, browse, and purchase products in-app, making the whole shopping experience seamless.

Set Up Your TikTok Shop

Here’s how to set up your TikTok Shop:

  1. Sign Up for TikTok Shop: Go to the TikTok Shop registration page and fill in the business details, business name, contact info, and legal documents.
  2. Integrate Your Online Store: If you already have an online store (e.g. on Shopify or WooCommerce), you can integrate it with TikTok to sync your product catalog. This way you can manage inventory and orders between platforms.
  3. Add Products to Your TikTok Catalog: Once your shop is set up, add your products to the TikTok catalog. Make sure your product descriptions are clear and include relevant hashtags to get more visibility.
  4. Create Engaging Product Listings: Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your products. Include price, discounts, and shipping options to attract buyers.

Connect Your Online Store to TikTok

Connecting your online store to TikTok can be a sales driver. Here’s how:

  • Use TikTok’s E-commerce Partners: TikTok has partnered with e-commerce platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce. Connect your store by downloading the TikTok application from your e-commerce platform’s app store.
  • Sync Your Product Catalog: Once connected, sync your product catalog to TikTok. This will allow you to create videos and ads featuring your products directly on TikTok.
  • Track Conversions with TikTok Pixel: Install the TikTok Pixel on your website to track conversions, optimize ads, and retarget customers who interacted with your TikTok content but didn’t buy.

How to measure your promotion

To get the most out of your TikTok marketing you need to measure and track the results. TikTok Analytics gives you valuable insights into your account, content, and audience so you can make data-driven decisions.

Key Metrics to Track

  1. Views and Watch Time: Track the views and watch time of your videos. Higher watch time means your content is engaging and holding the viewer’s attention.
  2. Engagement Rates: Look at likes, comments, shares, and saves. High engagement rates mean your content is resonating with your audience and encouraging interaction.
  3. Follower Growth: Track your follower growth over time. Sudden spikes mean successful campaigns or content, and plateaus mean you need new strategies.
  4. Conversion Rates: For ads and shoppable content track conversion rates to see how many users took the desired action, e.g. visited your website or made a purchase.
  5. TikTok Pixel Data: Use TikTok Pixel to measure off-platform actions like sign-ups, purchases, and page views. This will help you understand the full user journey and optimize your campaigns accordingly.

Using TikTok Pixel for Advanced Tracking

The TikTok Pixel is a small piece of code you add to your website to track users who interact with your TikTok ads. It’s a must-have for e-commerce businesses looking to retarget visitors and optimize ad spend.

  • Retargeting Campaigns: TikTok Pixel allows you to retarget users who viewed your ads or visited your website but didn’t convert. You can bring back potential customers with personalized offers or reminders.
  • Lookalike Audiences: You can create lookalike audiences based on the data collected by the TikTok Pixel, so you can reach new users who are similar to your existing customers.
  • Conversion Optimisation: Use Pixel data to optimize ads for specific actions, e.g. “Add to Cart” or “Complete Purchase”, so you’re reaching the right users with the right content.

Did you know? TikTok’s algorithm favors content that holds the user’s attention. Make videos that get re-watched and you’ll increase your reach!

Frequently Asked Questions

How to advertise a product on TikTok?

Advertise a product on TikTok by setting up a Business Account and creating an ad in Ads Manager. Choose from In-Feed Ads, Branded Hashtags, and TopView Ads.

Target your audience set a budget and launch your campaign. Monitor its performance in TikTok Analytics and adjust.

How do you promote products on TikTok and get paid?

Promoting products on TikTok can earn you money through sales conversions and brand collaborations. Use TikTok Shop to sell directly on the platform or run paid ads to your target audience.

You can also collaborate with TikTok influencers for paid promotions where they feature your product to their followers for a fee.

How to do product marketing on TikTok?

Market a product on TikTok by understanding your audience and creating engaging content that resonates with them. Use TikTok ads to reach more people and collaborate with influencers to get credibility. You can also set up a TikTok Shop to sell products.

By being active, engaging with your audience, and tapping into trends you can promote your product on the platform.

How to promote something on the TikTok app?

Promote something on TikTok by creating engaging content, using hashtags, and running ads. Collaborate with influencers to give your promotion a boost and post consistently to build visibility. Encourage users to create content related to your product or service to increase engagement and reach more customers.


You have the chance to reach a huge and super-engaged audience when promoting a product on TikTok. With millions of users interacting with content every day, TikTok is a platform where creative and strategic marketing can work.

Whether you decide to run TikTok ads, collaborate with influencers, or set up a TikTok Shop, there are many ways to promote a product on TikTok.

To succeed, it’s important to understand your audience and create engaging content that resonates with them. TikTok loves originality so you need to focus on engaging, entertaining, and relevant content that talks to your target market.

Additionally, you can drive traffic from other platforms like your Facebook Business Page. Promoting your TikTok content on Facebook will allow you to reach an even broader audience and direct them to your TikTok account.

Oliver C.

Oliver is a content writer who loves making information easy to understand and fun to read. With over five years of experience, he helps businesses reach their audience with clear, engaging content. His articles have been featured on many popular marketing blogs, and he enjoys sharing simple tips to help others succeed online. When he's not writing, Oliver enjoys exploring new ideas and perfecting his coffee-making skills.

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