How to Promote Your Book on TikTok

How to Promote Your Book on TikTok

As an author, especially an indie author, learning how to promote your book on TikTok can get you so much visibility. 

With millions of active users worldwide, TikTok is a great place to connect with book lovers. It’s different because of the short, snackable content that can go viral.

This gives authors a way to showcase their books and interact with readers in ways other platforms can’t. 

TikTok’s algorithm is designed to serve personalized content, so the right video can reach thousands of readers organically.

It’s for authors who want to grab attention, engage and build an audience that might not have found them otherwise.

How It Works For Authors

Promoting Your Book on TikTok

Here is a short explanation how authors can effectively use TikTok’s system to promote their books.

Here’s a breakdown:

How the TikTok Algorithm Works

Your success on TikTok depends on the algorithm, which looks at user behavior and preferences. 

TikTok remains a platform that favors videos that get lots of interactions like, shares, comments, replays. This is great for authors as TikTok loves niche content.

If your videos speak to a specific audience like readers who read your genre there’s a higher chance the TikTok algorithm will push your content to the For You page where it can reach a bigger target audience of bookworms.

For authors this means you don’t need to appeal to a mass audience. By talking about book trends or sharing content that speaks to your specific reader base you’ll build a loyal following. 

Plus TikTok’s fast pace means even short videos if they’re engaging can get you traction fast.

Pro Tip: To get the most out of the algorithm, stay on top of sounds and formats. Even small changes – like using a popular sound or participating in a viral challenge can get your videos more visibility.

Using trending sounds and jumping on trending books is one of the best ways to get more eyes on your TikTok. 

For example the #BookTok community has readers and authors sharing book recommendations, reviews and even unboxings.

This trend allows you to show your book in a way that feels organic to the TikTok platform and gets users to discover your book alongside other popular books.

When joining trends, timing is everything. Joining a trend while it’s still hot can get you a surge in views as TikTok promotes this content.

But make sure the trend fits your book. Not every trend will fit your genre but when you do it right it can introduce your book to an audience already excited about book trends and recommendations.

Pro Tip: Hashtags like #BookTok, #CoverReveal or #WritingTips will get your content in front of the right people. Use them strategically to get your videos in front of readers looking for new books.

How to Make TikTok Videos for Book Promotion

There are two strategies authors can use to promote their books on TikTok.

Book Cover Reveal

A book cover reveal is one of the most fun ways to publish your book, especially on TikTok where the visual nature of the platform lets you hook people with amazing content. 

A well done cover reveal can build anticipation and create buzz around your upcoming release.

Since TikTok is a fast paced platform you can make this moment as suspenseful and eye-catching as possible. 

One way is to do a series of small TikTok videos leading up to the final reveal, like a countdown where you slowly unveil parts of the cover over time.

For example you could start with a blurry image of the cover and then reveal small parts of it in each subsequent video. This builds anticipation and gives your audience a reason to come back for more.

The final reveal can be a big moment, made even bigger with sounds or visually striking effects that highlight the design of the cover.

Another way is to take your viewers behind the scenes and show them the process of creating the cover. Start with initial sketches, color choices and early drafts and then progress to the final version.

This way your audience can see the work and artistry that goes into it and feel more invested in the outcome. 

Viewers love seeing how something goes from concept to completion and sharing the steps that led to your final cover creates a more personal connection with your audience.

The cover reveal does more than just show off the cover of your book—it also shows your journey within the book industry

By telling the story behind the cover or how the design relates to the book’s themes and characters you make it more interesting and memorable.

For example if your book is set in a fantasy world you could explain how the colors or imagery reflects the magical world. If it’s a mystery you could hint at the clues hidden in the design.

Sneaky tip: Tie your book marketing to a plot sneak peek. Share a summary or excerpt with the cover and your audience will be even more excited for the full release. This sells the cover and introduces the story in a way that makes them want more.

Writing Tips and Content

TikTok has a whole community of users who love to learn, so it’s the perfect place for authors to share writing tips and advice. 

Share practical, bite-sized content about your writing process and you’ll grow a loyal following.

Whether you focus on how to create compelling characters, build a believable world or overcome writer’s block, there’s an audience on TikTok who want to learn from your writing experience.

You can make small videos breaking down each aspect of storytelling, turning complex topics into tips. 

For example, make a quick video on how to structure a plot or how to write dialogue that sounds natural.

You can also use your own book as a case study, showing viewers how you tackled these challenges in your writing. That makes the content educational and personal and relatable.

Sharing your writing journey adds another dimension. Show your viewers the real deal of being an author whether it’s the thrill of finishing a draft or the agony of endless revisions.

By being honest about the ups and downs you offer a peek into your creative process and that builds trust with your audience. 

Aspiring writers will love hearing about your struggles and readers will feel more connected to the person behind the book.

If you’re a self-published author, TikTok is a great place to share the ups and downs of this journey. 

Talk about what it’s like to do everything yourself cover design to marketing. Sharing your author-published book journey can inspire other writers and readers who want to support indie authors.

Pro Tip: Mix educational content with personal anecdotes to make your videos feel more real. 

Sharing personal stories with your useful tips makes the content relatable and increases engagement from both writers and readers.

For example, if you’re giving advice on staying motivated you could share a personal experience of how you got through a tough writing block, making the content more sticky and memorable.

Grow Your TikTok Audience

By posting consistently, engaging with your community, and tapping into trends, you can build a loyal audience and increase your visibility on the platform.

Post Consistently

TikTok is all about consistency. The more you post the more you’ll keep your followers and attract new ones. 

Whether you post daily or a few times a week, find a schedule that works for you and stick to it.

Posting consistently keeps your audience engaged and tells the algorithm you’re an active creator which can lead to more visibility.

Try mixing up the types of content too. Post book cover reveals, writing challenges, behind the scenes videos and even personal updates to keep your feed fresh. Don’t make your account feel the same.

Pro Tip: Plan your content in advance. So you never have to scramble for ideas and can consistently post quality videos that match your goals.

Book Lovers and Potential Readers

Building a relationship with your audience is key to long term success on TikTok. 

Engage by commenting back, liking and commenting on others videos and following accounts within the #BookTok community. 

By doing this you’re showing you’re a part of the community not just a marketer.

Personal interactions asking your viewers for their favorite books, their thoughts on your writing or what genres they love helps to deepen the connection. 

Viewers who feel heard and valued are more likely to become loyal followers and ultimately potential readers of your book.

Pro Tip: Join live streams, collaborations or duet videos with other authors or readers to reach a wider audience and expose your book to new readers.

How to Promote Your Book on TikTok

Promoting a Book on TikTok

Publishing your book on TikTok is a powerful way to reach a broader audience of readers.

Promote Your TikTok Account

Getting people to engage with your content starts with promoting your TikTok account

While TikTok’s algorithm does a great job of introducing content to new viewers, you can amplify this by sharing your TikTok everywhere.

Link your TikTok in your email newsletter, feature it on your website and blog post about it on your other socials. 

This will help you build a bigger audience and make sure your existing readers can find you on TikTok.

To drive more traffic to your TikTok, collaborate with other authors or content creators. 

Collaborations duets or reactions introduce your work to another creator’s audience and help you gain followers who are likely to be interested in your book.

Cross promotion is especially effective in the #BookTok community where readers love to discover new authors.

Pro Tip: Your TikTok bio is prime real estate for followers. Use relevant keywords to explain who you are and what type of content people can expect from you. If your book is a thriller, mention that in your bio and include a link to your book or website.

Self-Publishing on Social Media Platforms

As a self-published author, TikTok is a chance to market your book without relying on traditional publishers’ resources. 

When you control everything from cover design to promotional strategy, TikTok lets you be creative and flexible with how you present yourself and your book.

One of the biggest benefits for self-published authors on TikTok is the ability to build a community around your brand. 

TikTok’s focus on personal engagement means you can talk to your audience, ask for their opinions on potential book covers or even crowdsource ideas for your next book.

You’re not just promoting a book, you’re letting readers be part of your process.

Another great way for self-published authors to use TikTok is to show the journey of your book. 

Share the struggles of author-published books, like designing your own cover or managing social media marketing to promote yourself, alongside the wins, like your first sale or seeing your book in print.

This transparency makes your journey more relatable to followers who are also indie authors or readers who want to support indie creators.

Pro Tip: Readers love to feel like they are supporting an author’s journey. Tell them you are an indie author. Many readers love underdog stories and will want to support your book because they see the effort that goes into author-published books.

Content and Tips

The key to long term success on TikTok is to create valuable content that your audience finds useful or fun. 

Instead of just selling your book, build a brand around your expertise or your author experience.

Share tips about writing, publishing or book marketing and you’ll position yourself as an expert and attract your target audience who want to learn from you not just buy from you.

For example you can create TikTok about the different stages of the writing process, drafting to editing or share self-publishing tips for other aspiring authors. You might also share writing tips like how to overcome writer’s block, develop characters or write dialogue.

These kinds of posts attract a wider audience and provide value which builds trust and makes people more likely to support you when you do publish your book.

Another way to create valuable content is to join in on trends within the #BookTok community. These trends are often book recommendations, writing challenges or book cover reveals. 

Participating in these conversations keeps your content relevant and shows potential readers you are in tune with their interests.

Pro Tip: Treat your TikTok account as a long term investment. Even if a video doesn’t go viral right away, providing value consistently will build you a loyal following over time. Once people see you as a resource or source of fun they’ll check out your book.

Mistakes to Avoid

Avoiding common mistakes is important to your success on TikTok. Whether you’re promoting a book or building a following, certain missteps can limit your growth. Here are some examples to avoid:

Don’t Over Promote and Be Authentic

One of the biggest mistakes authors make on TikTok is promoting their book too much. While it’s natural to want to shout about your work, constant promotion feels forced and will turn off potential readers.

TikTok users are drawn to real content that feels more like storytelling than advertising. If all your videos are sales pitches, viewers will lose interest fast.

Instead of promoting your book in every post, use TikTok to tell a bigger story. Share your author journey, the highs and lows of writing, your creative process or the inspiration behind certain themes.

By sharing these personal moments, you allow viewers to connect with you on a deeper level. When they see you as a person, not just an author, they’ll be more interested in your work.

Engage and Build Conversations

One of the biggest mistakes is not interacting with your audience. Since TikTok is a social platform, engagement is key to growing your following. 

Posting content isn’t enough taking the time to talk to your viewers can make a huge difference.

Replying to comments, asking for feedback and starting conversations is how you build a community around your TikTok content.

Ask open ended questions in your videos to spark conversations and make sure you reply to your followers. 

This not only makes your audience feel seen but also gets you more visibility through TikTok’s algorithm which rewards engagement.

The more you talk to your viewers the more loyal they become and that can lead to some amazing opportunities like collabs with other creators.

Try: Mix in promotional content with personal anecdotes, behind the scenes or tips for other writers.


Understanding how to promote your book on TikTok gives authors a way to reach readers and build a relationship with their audience. 

By mixing authenticity with creativity you can tap into the growing community of bookworms on TikTok and turn them into fans of your work.

The platform’s short post videos and virality make it perfect for organic book sales without the need for hard sell tactics.

By providing value, participating in trends and engaging with your followers you can use TikTok to publish your book but also grow your author brand. 

Whether modern or traditionally published, TikTok’s ever changing landscape gives you plenty of opportunities to connect with readers, build hype for your releases and sell books.

Just remember: consistency, authenticity and interaction are key.

Frequently Asked Questions

Promote Your Book on TikTok

How do I get my book noticed on TikTok?

To get your book seen on TikTok blog post regularly, engage with your followers and participate in #BookTok. 

Use relevant hashtags and trending sounds to get visibility and make sure your content is fun and informative.

Books go viral on TikTok through recommendations from influencers or being part of a trend. Participating in book trends, using popular hashtags and creating great content is the way to get your book seen.

How do I promote my book on TikTok?

You can promote your book on TikTok by creating videos that showcase your book’s features such as a book cover reveal or sharing excerpts. 

Use relevant hashtags, engage with your followers and post regularly to build your audience.

Is TikTok for authors?

Yes! TikTok is great for authors, especially those who want to grow their audience organically. TikTok allows authors to connect with readers through creative short-form content that promotes their book in a more fun and interactive way.

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